How to give feedbacks?

How to give feedbacks?

When providing feedback, especially the negative one, it is important to give it. But how to pass the feedback so that the employee or colleague takes it to heart, makes the necessary changes and at the same time it does not affect him?

Criticize with good intentions

Always criticize with the intention of helping the other person and move him on. Others can feel it and will hear your view of their work performance or behavior sooner.

Give a specific situation as an example

If you are too general, the staff may not be clear what you are trying to tell him. Therefore, always state the specific case where you noticed the thing, ideally one that happened recently.

If you have more problems with an employee or colleague, talk about them gradually

If you have more negative things at heart that you want to talk to about the person, divide them into individual conversations. A sudden surge of criticism on a wider scale could seriously demotivate or mentally unnecessarily trample employees. Therefore, always prepare some praise with each critic. The employee will see that this is a constructive and objective criticism and it is not just your desire to drop him. Also, think about whether all the problems you want to talk about do not stem from one particular problem. This will save you and your employees further unpleasant conversations and you will be able to focus on the real cause.

Remember that you are evaluating behavior or performance, not the person

Feedback should not be too personal. You deal with the employee's performance and behavior, not his personality as such. Therefore, build your feedback so that you talk about specific situations, not a person's personality.

Choose the right timing

Always leave the feedback to a day when you and the employee are not too busy and stressed. You could sound different than you would like, and the employee could find it harder than on a normal day. But even more important is privacy. Always pass the feedback between the 4 eyes.

Leave room for expression on the other side

Feedback should result in dialogue. The employee must be given the opportunity to comment on feedback, to present their opinion on the matter, or the cause of a certain behavior or management. The interview should end with a solution proposal that you agree on together.

Talk about improvement

Over time, watch to see if feedback has changed for the better. If so, take the time to let employees know and praise him for it.